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British Columbia
Yukon Territory
Campanula lasiocarpa
Specimen Data

Providing access to specimen data from Pacific Northwest herbaria is a primary function of the Consortium's web site. All types of herbarium collections are represented, including vascular plants, bryophytes, liverworts, hornworts, algae, lichens, and fungi.

Nearly 3 million (61%) of the 3.6 million specimen records held by PNW herbaria have been databased and/or imaged; the majority of these records are available here through the PNW Herbaria web site.

Data Providers:

The Consortium provides access to data from multiple institutions. These institutions agree to make their data available for scientific research and for public information and education according to our data sharing policy.

View a list of data providers.

Data Usage Policy:

Users of the data must agree to the terms and conditions in our Data Usage Policy.

Data Access:
Search for herbarium specimens by label data or geographic location, or browse lists of scientific names. Results show label data, images of specimens sheets if available, and a distribution map.
Download text files containing the label data for all specimen records in the Consortium database, or for individual herbaria.
See which herbaria provide specimen data to CPNWH, and how many records they provide. Metadata is available for many of the provided datasets.
View or download pre-packaged datasets intended for use on mobile devices without an internet connection. Includes county checklists, distribution maps, and specimen label data.
Create species lists for any county in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana. Lists may include vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, algae, and/or fungi.
A map of all collection sites for ID, OR, MT, WA, and southern B.C. based on specimen records in the Consortium database.
A synonymized checklist of vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, lichens, and fungi used to manage nomenclature in the PNW Herbaria database.