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Spiraea splendens
Provider: Oregon State University

(Provider metadata last updated 2024-06-18)

Code: OSC
Description: The Oregon State University Herbarium (OSC) houses approximately 700,000 vascular plant, bryophyte, algal, and fungal specimens. The collections are worldwide in scope, with a focus on the state of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada
Specialty: All groups, mainly of the Pacific Northwest; hypogeous fungi, Glomales, worldwide.
Notable Collectors: Y. Asahina; W. H. Baker; K. L. Chambers; W. B. Cooke; W. C. Cusick; L. E. Detling; M. A. Flinn; M. Fomin; A. S. Foster; T. C. Frye; H. C. Gilbert; H. M. Gilkey; M. W. Gorman; R. R. Halse; L. F. Henderson; T. J. Howell; D. C. Ingram; O. L. Ireland; L. D. Johnston; W. E. Lawrence; E. Lawton; L. C. Leach; J. B. Leiberg; F. A. MacFadden; G. Mason; J. C. Nelson; M. E. Peck; L. H. Pike; E. I. Sanborn; E. P. Sheldon; F. P. Sipe; A. N. Steward; W. N. Suksdorf; P. Train; J. M. Trappe; D. H. Wagner; C. D. White; K. Whited
Total Specimens: 700,000
Web Site: https://bpp.oregonstate.edu/herbarium
Online Database: https://oregonflora.org/
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: Aaron[dot]Liston[at]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Address: OSU Botany
OSU Herbarium
Cordley Hall
2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Dataset: Vascular Plants
Name: Vascular Plants
Data Access Point: http://web.science.oregonstate.edu:8080/digir/DiGIR.php
Description: This dataset from the Oregon State University Herbarium includes only vascular plants collected in Oregon and has not been updated since 2019. Square brackets indicate interpreted information not on the original label. Up-to-date data, including many imaged specimens, can be accessed at OregonFlora.org.
Citation: Oregon State University Herbarium (OSC)
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: listona[at]science[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Licenses: License for specimen data: CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 211,691
Records Indexed: 211,664
Data Last Updated: 2021-08-13 12:27:41
Metadata Updated: 2011-03-14

Dataset: Fungi
Name: Fungi
Data Access Point:
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: listona[at]science[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Licenses: License for specimen data: Public Domain (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 39,953
Records Indexed: 39,953
Data Last Updated: 2023-04-29 18:49:10
Metadata Updated: 2009-06-30

Dataset: Lichens
Name: Lichens
Data Access Point:
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: listona[at]science[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Licenses: License for specimen data: CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 5,197
Records Indexed: 5,197
Data Last Updated: 2023-04-29 18:49:17
Metadata Updated: 2009-06-30

Dataset: Algae
Name: Algae
Data Access Point: http://oregonflora.org/content/dwca/OSU-A_DwC-A.zip
Description: Our algae collection is approximately 18,000 specimens. The majority were collected in Oregon by Harry K. Phinney and Grace S. Phinney, and their students, between 1947-1980. A collection of ~1800 marine algae specimens from Portland State University (HPSU) was transferred to OSC in 2015. That collection was built primarily by Ed Lippert at HPSU, and includes material from his students, Ellen Benedict, and others, dating ca. 1956-1990. It is mostly from the PNW, with some from CA, east coast, and Oceania. David Bilderback donated 1600 of his specimens in 2018. There are a number of Bob Scagel's exsiccati from UBC (1960s).
Citation: Oregon State University Herbarium (OSC)
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: listona[at]science[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Licenses: License for specimen data: CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 18,082
Records Indexed: 18,081
Data Last Updated: 2022-11-18 02:03:16
Metadata Updated: 2024-06-18

Dataset: USFS Lichens
Name: USFS Lichens
Data Access Point: https://www.pnwherbaria.org/data/getdataset.php?File=OSC_USFS Lichens_DwCA.zip
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: listona[at]science[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Licenses: License for specimen data: CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 171,199
Records Indexed: 171,167
Data Last Updated: 2024-08-23 16:03:53
Metadata Updated: 2017-01-25

Dataset: Bryophytes
Name: Bryophytes
Data Access Point: http://oregonflora.org/content/dwca/OSU-B_DwC-A.zip
Description: Our bryophyte collection also includes the ORE herbarium, and specimens should be cited based on the original herbarium. Square brackets indicate interpreted information not on the original label.
Citation: Oregon State University Herbarium (OSC)
Contact: Aaron Liston, Director
Email: Aaron[dot]Liston[at]oregonstate[dot]edu
Phone: 1-541-737-4106

Licenses: License for specimen data: CC BY-NC 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). License for media, including photographs and images of specimens: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Users of the data are encouraged to acknowledge the source of the data if any of these records or media are used for publications, analyses, reports, or on web sites. The provider of the data, and its staff, are not responsible for damages, injury or loss due to the use of these data. Fitness of use must be determined by the user of the data.
Collection Size: 22,402
Records Indexed: 22,402
Data Last Updated: 2024-08-23 15:56:37
Metadata Updated: 2024-06-18