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British Columbia
Yukon Territory
Lewisiopsis tweedyi
Collections Coverage Maps:

The following maps provide a visual indication of how well covered the region is overall, and completeness of coverage by individual herbaria and for each taxonomic group (fungi, lichens, algae, bryophytes, and vascular plants).

A map showing all georeferenced specimens in the CPNWH specimen database for Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and southern British Columbia. This map illustrates areas in which collecting efforts have been concentrated and areas which have received relatively little attention.

These maps illustrate the geographic coverage for each herbarium that provides data to the PNW Herbaria database. For each herbarium, the maps show the number of specimens and number of taxa held by that herbarium for each county in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Additional maps compare these numbers to the total number of specimens and taxa across all herbaria for each county.