Vascular Plants of Yukon Territory

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

5 genus names
21 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

P: Primula,

Androsace chamaejasme (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WCW; 34; 1943-2016)
ssp. lehmanniana (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WCW; 22; 1943-2016)
Androsace occidentalis (UBC; 1; 1943)
Androsace septentrionalis (ALA, BABY, SRP, UBC, WTU; 64; 1899-2018)
Dodecatheon frigidum (ALA, BABY, UBC, WTU; 43; 1934-2014)
Dodecatheon pulchellum (ALA, BABY, UBC; 11; 1968-2014)
var. pulchellum (UBC; 1; 1968)
Douglasia alaskana (ALA, V; 6; 1969-2000)
Douglasia arctica (ALA, BABY, ID, UBC, V; 26; 1906-2007)
Douglasia gormanii (ALA, BABY, ID, NY, UBC, V, WTU; 44; 1899-2013)
Douglasia ochotensis (ALA, BABY, SRP; 9; 1962-2008)
Lysimachia europaea (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WWB; 10; 1948-2017)
Lysimachia maritima (ALA, BABY, UBC; 12; 1997-2013)
Lysimachia thyrsiflora (ALA, BABY; 5; 1983-2004)
Primula borealis (ALA, BABY, UBC; 5; 1980-2005)
Primula egaliksensis (ALA, BABY, UBC, V; 20; 1913-2008)
Primula incana (ALA, BABY, UBC, WTU; 22; 1944-2017)
Primula mistassinica (ALA, BABY, V; 5; 1977-2000)
Primula nutans (ALA, BABY, UBC, V, WS; 23; 1936-2016)
Primula pumila (ALA, BABY; 5; 1982-2013)
Primula stricta (WTU; 1; 1899)