Vascular Plants of Idaho

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

5 genus names
12 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Celastrus myrsinites (LEA; 1; 1960)
Euonymus europaeus (CIC, SRP; 3; 2015)
Euonymus japonicus (SRP; 1; 2011)
Pachystima mursinites (WTU; 1; 1958)
Parnassia cirrata (BBLM, CIC, DPP, ID, IDS, RM, WS, WTU; 16; 1941-2020)
var. intermedia (BBLM, CIC, DPP, ID, IDS, RM, WS, WTU; 16; 1941-2020)
Parnassia fimbriata (BOIS, CIC, CIC-PYNF, ID, IDS, LEA, NY, OSC, RM, SRP, WCW, WS, WTU; 221; 1890-2020)
Parnassia kotzebuei (CIC, ID; 7; 1979-2018)
Parnassia palustris (BOIS, CIC, ID, NY, RM, WTU; 16; 1915-2012)
Parnassia parviflora (BOIS, ID, IDS, MONT, NY, OSC, SBLM, WS, WTU; 23; 1897-1991)
Paxistima myrsinites (BBLM, BOIS, CIC, CIC-PYNF, EWU, ID, IDE, IDS, MONT, NY, OSC, PSM, RM, SRP, WS, WTU, WWB; 379; 1892-2020)
ssp. myrsinites (WTU; 6; 1893-1941)