Vascular Plants of Alaska

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

3 genus names
30 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Chamaenerion angustifolium (ALA, HPSU, ID, LINF, NY, OSC, REED, SOC, SRP, UAAH, WCW, WTU, WWB; 265; 1891-2019)
ssp. angustifolium (ALA, ID, LINF, UAAH, WTU; 11; 1962-2012)
ssp. circumvagum (ID, UAAH, WWB; 6; 1957-2010)
var. canescens (SOC; 1; 2009)
Chamaenerion latifolium (ALA, ID, OSC, PSM, RM, SOC, SRP, UAAH, UBC, V, WCW, WTU, WWB; 459; 1891-2020)
Circaea alpina (ALA, BABY, ID, NY, UAAH, UBC, V, WTU; 81; 1890-2014)
ssp. alpina (BABY, ID, WTU; 11; 1890-2000)
var. aleutica (NY; 1; 1895)
Epilobium alpinum (HPSU, ID, WTU; 7; 1939-1996)
var. behringianum (ID, WTU; 2; 1979-1996)
Epilobium anagallidifolium (ALA, ID, RM, SRP, UAAH, WTU; 144; 1891-2019)
Epilobium arcticum (ALA, UAAH; 9; 1960-2011)
Epilobium bongardii (WTU; 2; 1940-1945)
Epilobium ciliatum (ALA, HPSU, PSM, SOC, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 91; 1915-2019)
Epilobium clavatum (UAAH, WTU; 2; 1951-2017)
Epilobium davuricum (ALA, BABY, ID, UAAH; 27; 1941-2017)
Epilobium glandulosum (ALA, HPSU, ID, SRP, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 142; 1897-2014)
Epilobium hornemannii (ALA, ID, LEA, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU, WWB; 370; 1891-2019)
ssp. behringianum (ALA, ID, LEA, UAAH, WCW, WTU, WWB; 118; 1917-2019)
ssp. hornemannii (ALA, ID, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 107; 1891-2012)
Epilobium lactiflorum (ALA, ID, RM, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 20; 1947-2012)
Epilobium latifolium (ID, IDS, NY; 11; 1883-1962)
ssp. latifolium (ID, IDS; 10; 1918-1962)
var. grandiflorum (NY; 1; 1883)
Epilobium leptocarpum (ALA, UAAH, UBC, WTU; 46; 1929-2014)
Epilobium leptophyllum (ALA, WTU; 2; 1987-2011)
Epilobium luteum (ALA, UAAH, WTU, WWB; 43; 1891-2014)
Epilobium oreganum (WCW; 1; 1979)
Epilobium palustre (ALA, ID, UAAH, UBC, WCW, WTU; 240; 1899-2019)
Epilobium ×treleasianum (ALA, WTU; 9; 1940-2014)