Vascular Plants of British Columbia

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

1 genus names
18 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Euphorbia characias (UBC; 1; 2014)
ssp. wulfenii (UBC; 1; 2014)
Euphorbia cyparissias (UBC, V; 14; 1937-2015)
Euphorbia esula (V; 1; 1970)
Euphorbia exigua (UBC, V; 7; 1936-1945)
Euphorbia glyptosperma (BABY, UBC, V, WTU; 46; 1902-2009)
Euphorbia helioscopia (UBC, V; 5; 1917-2007)
Euphorbia lathyris (UBC; 9; 1919-2014)
Euphorbia maculata (UBC, V; 26; 1933-2014)
Euphorbia myrsinites (UBC; 10; 2008-2015)
Euphorbia nutans (UBC; 2; 1993-2010)
Euphorbia oblongata (UBC; 2; 2017)
Euphorbia peplus (UBC, V; 19; 1912-2007)
Euphorbia serpens (UBC, V; 11; 1994-2014)
Euphorbia serpillifolia (UBC, V, WTU; 56; 1905-2013)
ssp. serpillifolia (UBC; 4; 2004-2011)
Euphorbia serrulata (UBC; 1; 2012)
Euphorbia virgata (UBC, V; 44; 1932-2015)