Bryophytes of Washington

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

2 genus names
12 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Dichelyma falcatum (NY, OSC, WS, WTU; 7; 1885-1999)
Dichelyma pallescens (OSC; 1; 2010)
Dichelyma uncinatum (HPSU, NY, UBC, WS, WTU; 50; 1885-2015)
Fontinalis antipyretica (HPSU, NOCA, NY, UBC, USFS, WS, WTU; 531; 1840-2017)
var. antipyretica (NY, WS, WTU; 97; 1858-1973)
var. gigantea (NY, UBC, WTU; 22; 1885-2001)
var. oregonensis (NY, UBC, WS, WTU; 107; 1840-2002)
var. rigens (NY, WS; 8; 1888-1913)
Fontinalis fosteri (NY, WTU; 3; 1911)
Fontinalis hypnoides (NY, WTU; 4; 1880-1926)
var. duriaei (NY; 3; 1880-1911)
Fontinalis neomexicana (HPSU, NY, UBC, USFS, WS, WTU; 230; 1880-2017)