Bryophytes of the Pacific Northwest

Generated from PNW Herbaria database
November 28, 2020.

2 genus names
27 species/infraspecies names
(names highlighted in brown could not be resolved to an accepted name)

Index to Genera:

Cephaloziella alpina (ID; 7; 1923-1939)
Cephaloziella arctica (AK, BC, OR; 27; 1899-1999)
var. alpina (OR; 1; 1999)
Cephaloziella byssacea (BC, OR; 3; 1983)
var. asperfolia (BC; 1; ?)
var. asperifolia (OR; 2; 1983)
Cephaloziella divaricata (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 496; 1875-2018)
var. divaricata (OR; 1; 2001)
var. scabra (AK, BC, ID, OR, WA; 40; 1934-2000)
var. scraba (BC; 1; 1980)
Cephaloziella elachista (BC, OR; 2; 1927-1977)
Cephaloziella elachiste (OR; 1; 1998)
Cephaloziella grimsulana (AK; 15; 1992-1993)
Cephaloziella hampeana (AK, BC, ID, MT, OR, WA; 16; 1925-2014)
Cephaloziella integerrima (AK; 2; 1992-1993)
Cephaloziella limprichtii (OR; 1; 1999)
Cephaloziella patulifolia (OR; 1; 1935)
Cephaloziella phyllacantha (AK, BC; 5; 1980-1995)
Cephaloziella phyllocantha (BC; 2; 1965-1978)
Cephaloziella rubella (AK, BC, MT, OR, WA; 40; 1967-2005)
Cephaloziella spinigera (OR, WA; 3; 1980-2018)
Cephaloziella starkei (OR, WA; 2; 1894-1935)
var. scabra (OR, WA; 2; 1894-1935)
Cephaloziella subdentata (AK; 3; 1951-1956)
Cephaloziella turneri (BC, OR, WA; 54; 1895-2016)
Cephaloziella uncinata (AK; 8; 1956-1993)
Lophoziella porphyroleuca (AK; 1; 1899)