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British Columbia
Yukon Territory
Delphinium glareosum
Provider: Tebiwa Herbarium

(Provider metadata last updated 2020-03-11)

Code: TBW
Description: The Tebiwa Herbarium was founded in 2002 by the Davis Family of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation. Tebiwa is a Panakwate (Bannock) term for "one's own country". The focal point of the Tebiwa Herbarium is to establish a comprehensive collection of vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes, and fungi utilized and appreciated by the Davis Newe family and ancestors. The Newe are the Indigenous peoples whose ancestral homeland spanned portions of the Snake, Yellowstone, Bear, and Salmon River watersheds and beyond. Historically, the Newe were referred to as “Snake Indians”, Shoshone, or Bannock by early Euro-American colonists. Currently, the Tebiwa Herbarium houses 389 specimens representing 329 vascular plants, 24 lichens, 24 bryophytes, 11 fungi and 1 liverwort. Although most of the specimens are from the state of Idaho, it also includes collections from Washington, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Texas, and Loreto, Peru.
Specialty: At the Tebiwa Herbarium we strive to include Panakwate (Bannock) and Sosoni (Shoshone) language names and uses on specimen labels. The Herbarium also houses collections of vascular plant associates of the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii), as well as vascular plants and biological soil crusts from Palouse Prairie in northern Idaho and southeastern Washington. Access and use of the Tebiwa Herbarium is by appointment only.
Notable Collectors:
Total Specimens: 385
Web Site: http://www.tebiwa.org/
Online Database:
Contact: Cleve Davis
Email: admin[at]tebiwa[dot]org

Address: The Tebiwa Herbarium
144 Ross Fork Creek Road #12
Pocatello, ID 83202